Use our free conversion calculator to quickly convert 50 cm to inches and inches to centimeters. The calculator will provide you with the correct conversion after you enter the value you wish to convert.
CM to Inches Converter
Converting 50 cm to Inches and Inches to cm
Have you ever needed to measure something, but the ruler you had didn’t use the units you needed? Maybe you were sewing and needed inches, but your ruler only showed centimeters.
Or perhaps you were putting together furniture and the instructions used centimeters, but you only had an inch ruler. Situations like these call for unit conversions between centimeters (cm) and inches.
Knowing how to convert measurements from cm to inches and vice versa is a super handy skill. It allows you to use any ruler or measuring tape you have on hand, even if it’s not in the units called for. This guide will teach you everything you need to know about converting 50 cm to inches and inches to cm with detailed examples.
Understanding the Units
Before we dive into conversions, let’s quickly review what centimeters and inches actually are. A centimeter (cm) is a metric unit of length. One centimeter is a tiny bit smaller than the width of a plastic drinking straw.
Inches are part of the U.S. customary system and tend to be used more in certain countries like the United States. One inch is just about the length of the top bone in your thumb.
While centimeters and inches measure the same thing (length), they are different sized units with a specific relationship. One inch is equal to 2.54 cm. So inches are a bit bigger than centimeters. This relationship is key for converting between the two units.
Centimeters have been around since the 1700s when the metric system was first developed in France. Inches are an much older unit dating back to at least the Roman empire era!
Converting 50 cm to Inches
To convert 50 cm to inches, we can use this formula:
inches = cm ÷ 2.54
Since 1 inch = 2.54 cm, we divide the number of cm by 2.54 to get the inch measurement.
Let’s calculate 50 cm in inches:
inches = 50 cm ÷ 2.54
= 19.685 inches
So 50 cm is equal to 19.685 inches (or you could round it to 19.69 inches). Pretty easy right?
Knowing this conversion comes in handy for all sorts of measuring tasks. For example, if you were sewing a craft project and the pattern gave dimensions in inches but you only had a cm ruler, you could easily convert. Or if you were measuring for new bedroom curtains in cm but the curtain sizing only showed inches.
The key is measuring precisely in cm to start with. Be sure to precisely measure your starting length in cm, then use the formula to convert accurately to inches.
Converting Inches to cm
Converting inches to cm works very similarly, but with a slightly different formula:
cm = inches x 2.54
Since 2.54 cm = 1 inch, we multiply the number of inches by 2.54 to get the cm measurement.
For example, let’s convert 15 inches to cm:
cm = 15 inches x 2.54
= 38.1 cm
So 15 inches is equal to 38.1 cm.
Here are some more examples with different inch measurements:
10 inches = 10 x 2.54 = 25.4 cm
25 inches = 25 x 2.54 = 63.5 cm
You may need to convert from inches to cm for things like furniture assembly instructions, measuring for carpeting, or even baking recipes that show pan sizes in inches. No matter what you’re measuring, the conversion formula helps you find the cm equivalent from whatever inch measurement you have.
Be careful with rounding for any conversions that require higher precision. For example, when making pieces for a woodworking project, you may want to stick to more precise decimal cm measurements to ensure pieces fit together accurately.
Conversion Tables and Charts
While the formulas are easy enough, converting measurements one at a time can get tedious. That’s where conversion tables and charts come in handy. You can simply look up the cm and inch equivalents instead of calculating each one.
Here’s a conversion table showing some common cm measurements and their inch and feet equivalents below.
Centimeters (cm) | Inches (in) | Feet (ft) |
10 cm | 3.94 in | 0.33 ft |
20 cm | 7.87 in | 0.66 ft |
30 cm | 11.81 in | 0.98 ft |
40 cm | 15.75 in | 1.31 ft |
50 cm | 19.68 in | 1.64 ft |
60 cm | 23.62 in | 1.97 ft |
70 cm | 27.56 in | 2.30 ft |
80 cm | 31.50 in | 2.62 ft |
90 cm | 35.43 in | 2.95 ft |
100 cm | 39.37 in | 3.28 ft |
And here’s a table showing some common inch measurements converted to cm below.
Inches to Centimeters
5 inches = 12.7 cm
10 inches = 25.4 cm
15 inches = 38.1 cm
20 inches = 50.8 cm
25 inches = 63.5 cm
30 inches = 76.2 cm
35 inches = 88.9 cm
40 inches = 101.6 cm
45 inches = 114.3 cm
50 inches = 127 cm
Simply refer to charts like these or our calculator above this guide any time you need a quick conversion between cm and inches. They can save you from having to do calculations, especially for common measurements.
Tips and Best Practices
To wrap up, here are some tips and best practices to keep in mind when converting cm and inch measurements:
- Always double-check that you are using the correct formula (cm/2.54 for cm->inches or inches x 2.54 for inches -> cm)
- Be mindful of rounding for conversions that require higher precision. It may be better to show more decimal places.
- Pick a unit and stick to it for a project. Don’t mix cm and inches randomly which could lead to mistakes.
- Consider using a conversion table or online tool to save time and reduce errors instead of calculating every conversion.
- Make sure any conversion tools you use are reputable and provide accurate results.
- When in doubt, remeasure the original length to ensure your conversion is based on an accurate starting point.
With a little practice, converting between centimeters and inches for any measurement will become a breeze. Just be sure to always double check your work, especially for important projects where precision is key.
Unit conversions are an important skill for all sorts of measuring tasks, projects, and activities. From sewing and crafting to construction and baking, ensuring you have the right measurements in the units you need is crucial. Hopefully, this guide empowered you to convert cm and inches like a pro. The next time you need to switch units, simply refer back to the calculator above, formulas, charts, and tips here.